The Productions @ Schapiro (Undergoing updates)

Welcome to the 2024-25 season! 

This handbook is intended to clarify roles and timelines, help each of us understand how we support one another, and present the big picture of the season to all who make it happen. It should answer all of your questions about what you are asked to contribute to make this season a success. 

Please read this handbook carefully. If you have questions, please reach out. Our common goal is a well-planned, seamlessly executed presentation season. It will take constant communication, patience, curiosity, and a passion for excellence from all. We look forward to making it happen, together. 

-Corrie Beth Knott 

Director of Production 


Welcome to The Production Process @ Schapiro!

Sharing ideas early in the production planning process allows space for the kind of creative problem-solving that allows a Director/Playwright’s artistic vision to be fully realized. Questions are encouraged and should go through the Production Management. While our resources are finite, our desire to help is not. Our team will do what we can to help make your productions successful. We have no desire to limit productions artistically. However, there are limitations of time, space, and resources available. We ask that you keep these limitations in mind as you plan each production.These are educational productions. Move out of your comfort zone!

      Understand the pedagogical purpose: Process over Product.


-Tom Gilmore and Dana Sokolov

Production Management