Large Format Printer Service

The Visual Arts program has an Epson 9000 inkjet printer that can produce prints up to 44 x 96 inches (1.11 x 2.43 meters). Dana Buhl, Photo Facilities Manager, manages the printing service along with trained Photo grad students who operate the printer.

Prints can be produced on three papers:

  • Epson Luster (260), most similar to a traditional color print. semi-gloss.
  • Epson Enhanced Matte, more like a drawing paper, matte.
  • Epson Exhibition Fiber, for highest quality photo reproductions. Thick paper with luscious tones.

Print Schedule (PLAN AHEAD)

Printing is scheduled twice a week (visit for submission deadlines and up to date closure details).

Please note the large format printing service is only available during semester: there is no printing service during the winter and summer breaks; final printing dates will be posted on the site listed above. 

Submitting Print Jobs

You must fill out the Large Format Print Order Form, which is linked from the VA Website (above). You must fill out the form to get your job into the queue. Once you have filled out the form you must send us your file by sharing it via Google Drive or another file sharing service (Dropbox, YouSendIt, etc..) to our Large Format Printing Google account: [email protected]

Payment & Delivery

Contactless Print Pick Up: Before you can pick up your print(s) you need to pay the Visual Arts Department. You will be sent a bill via PayPal from the VA office. Once this is paid, you will receive an email with details on how to pick up your print(s) from the print locker located on the 1st floor of Watson Hall.


$0.75 per linear inch on Luster and Matte, $1.25 on Exhibition Fiber

For $4.50 we will make a 44in x 6in proof, either from a file you provide, or by cropping your image to 6in.  The cost is $9.00 for Exhibition Fiber.

No, we only print on our Epson Premium Luster 260, Epson Enhanced Matte, and Epson Exhibition Fiber papers at this time.

The maximum width is 44in. and the length of a single file should be limited to around 95in. But you can print longer if needed, just ask.

Create a single 44in. wide Photoshop document and layout all of your smaller images in one file.  Rotate all images to maximize the 44in width.

No, you need to gang them up for us.

A: You can download ICC profiles for each paper from Epson and do soft proofing in Photoshop to approximate that translation to print, but we highly recommend that you first make a proof of your file and use that as the guide for making further corrections to the file.  Then re-proof as needed.

No, for this level of service you need to go to a professional printer like Duggal.  We simply open and print your files; you are responsible for ordering proofs and making changes to your files on your time.

Send to our group email [email protected] or Dana Buhl at [email protected]