Guidelines for Nash Studios


  1. A current CUID is required for entry. Carry it at all times.
  2. There is no food or drink allowed in studios, except for bottled water. Food can be consumed in the lobby areas.
  3. Bottled water is the only liquid allowed in the studios; no bodies of liquid are permitted.
  4. All students must leave the building by 10:00pm each night, without exception.
  5. All trash created in any space must be properly discarded.
  6. No smoking or open flame – including cigarettes and candles – are allowed anywhere in the building.
  7. Restore the room to neutral when finished. Neutral is:
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Close the windows.
  • Take out all trash.
  • Remove “In Use” sign from door.
  • Ensure all furniture is situated as in the photo in each studio.
  1. Please notify a Theatre Program staff or Nash Space Team member immediately with any problems.


  • The Nash Building is not a public access building, and therefore is not coded to hold productions or presentations open to the public. This means that only curricular presentations are allowed to be performed here. For these presentations, guests of students and staff are welcome, however, the following applies:
  • Any event that expects non Columbia-affiliated people to attend requires the approval from the Theatre Production department at least two (2) weeks in advance. The space must be reserved according to the Room Reservation Policy.
  • The names of all persons who do not have a CUID must be given to the security guard on duty in advance of the event. Anyone not on that list will not be granted access. Students must also provide a contact phone number for a representative from the event in case of issues.
  • Charging a ticket price or asking for a donation for any event is strictly prohibited. There is no exception to this rule. The Theatre Program may stop a production if it is discovered that this rule has been broken.
  • Room occupancy limits must be enforced when non-Columbia affiliated people are present.

Guests at Nash

  • If you have guests (aka non-CU affiliates) accessing Nash, you will need to provide the guard at the security desk with a printed list of the first and last name of all guests. Guests include any non-CU affiliate participating in a production, a class guest speaker, etc.
  • All Non-CU affiliates will need to prove vaccination prior to visiting campus.
  • There is no deadline, you just need to give security that list before any non-CU affiliates arrive.
  • Please instruct any guests to bring a valid ID with them.

Rehearsals for Thesis Productions

  • Rehearsals for thesis productions have top priority starting five (5) weeks before the first public performance. That said all persons involved in the production must adhere to the same policies as students with regards to using the space. These include:
  • The names of all persons who do not have a CUID must be given to the security guard on duty in advance of the event. Anyone not on that list will not be granted access. Students must also provide a contact phone number for a representative from the event in case of issues.
  • All props and furniture need to be removed from the studio after every rehearsal. There is a closet in Nash 1 dedicated solely to the thesis being rehearsed to store props and other items securely.
  • All rehearsals must end by 9:45pm, and everyone must exit the building by 10:00pm, no matter what.
  • The Theatre Program will ultimately hold the director responsible for making sure the space is left clean, in neutral setting, and securely locked after every rehearsal. Repeated disregard of Nash policies may result in losing the ability to rehearse there.
  • Be aware: at least two (2) people from the production (usually a combination of the director, stage manager and assistant stage manager) must be present on the day the show moves to the performance venue to move the show props and thoroughly clean the rehearsal room, including removing all marking tape.

Space Dimensions

  • Nash 1- 47’ x 28'
  • Nash 2- 29’ x 16
  • Nash 3- 38’ x 14'
  • Nash 4- 42’ x 14'
  • Nash 5- 45’ x 33'
  • Nash 6- 45’ x 29'